Friday, September 11, 2009

My Little Friend Tyler!

This is my little friend Tyler. I've known Tyler since he was 8 years old. He is 13 now and is not little anymore! I actually have to look up to Tyler has been following my photography on Face Book...I guess you can say he is my first fan. He finally asked me if I would do a photo shoot with him. I said let's go! The picture above is the one he is using on his FB profile. We started this photo shoot with the bright sun (as you will notice in pics below) and ended with the night sky closing in)

I believe this was the first pose...he was a natural at it! I didn't really have to say too much.

This was one of the shots at the Harbor in Wells ME. As you can see, it was getting dark. Doesn't he have cute freakles! Lol...

This was taken at the beach. Ty was climbing up onto the "life gaurd" chair. I said hey! Look down at me...and "Click" Voila!

Ty just chilling out on the rocks above...I really didn't want to climb up there so I took this from below.I actually did climb up afterwards and lost my toe nail polish! UGH!

I took over 100 pics...and there were many good ones....but I just wanted to post a few here about my friend TY!

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About Me

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I am learning to navigate through life without my kids.Learning that I can do anything I set my mind to and that Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes. I am discovering that my happiness is not based on people...I am learning that happiness is from within, and is a gift from God. I am learning that when my eyes remain fixed upon Him...I can remain happy even with my grandsons so far away. I am learning it's ok to be me.