Friday, September 11, 2009

The Empty Nest Finding Other Things To Fill It!

It's been just over a month now since I have seen my Grandsons. I miss them so much. At first I didn't know if I could ever get past this depression I was in...would I ever be able to get through a day without the tears waiting to burst through at any moment? I lost all ambition to do anything. I locked myself in and wanted to shut the world out. Life did not exist for me anymore. The most precious and dear thing to me was gone.

But then I picked up a camera and started to play. I started to go out. Then I was asked to do my first photo began to have meaning again. I know it sounds funny, but I was finally able to focus (no pun intended) on something else other then my missing my grandsons and how lonely I was. After seeing what I could do with my camera, and the smiles I brought to people's faces, my spirit was lifting. But the greatest thing of all happened last night!!! I got to SEE my beautiful grandsons thanks to "SKYPE".

We talked and laughed and blew each other kisses. Last night was wonderful. Last night was the first time I felt like me again. conquer my fear of flying. My first flight ever is coming up in November. Please pray I don't faint!!!

For in the "Empty Nest" is not so bad.

Good Night all!

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About Me

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I am learning to navigate through life without my kids.Learning that I can do anything I set my mind to and that Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes. I am discovering that my happiness is not based on people...I am learning that happiness is from within, and is a gift from God. I am learning that when my eyes remain fixed upon Him...I can remain happy even with my grandsons so far away. I am learning it's ok to be me.