Friday, September 11, 2009


Last Saturday Sept. 5th, was the first time ever visiting

the Portland Headlight in Portland ME. What a beautiful

Place. I was shooting pics faster then I could imagine! Lol

This woman and her child look great out there on the cliff so,I decided to take a picture of them and started snapping away! I have many but decided to post just one!

This place was beautiful. I would recommend that if you have never been need to go!

Another view

I saw this long fence...did I mention, I LOVE OLD FENCE POSTS!

I saw this guy climbing up the cliff, so I zoomed in on him. He had at least another 20 feet to go before he would reach the top....and he does!

I actually got dizzy taking this shot! I was literally bent over the cliff!

THE END..........

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About Me

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I am learning to navigate through life without my kids.Learning that I can do anything I set my mind to and that Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes. I am discovering that my happiness is not based on people...I am learning that happiness is from within, and is a gift from God. I am learning that when my eyes remain fixed upon Him...I can remain happy even with my grandsons so far away. I am learning it's ok to be me.