Friday, September 18, 2009

Fun With Big John & Melody and Their Two Girls, Danielle and Allyssa

This is Jon & Melody Vauieur. I had
a blast with this sweet family of 4.
They were so much you will tell
by the photos below...we had a couple of
crack ups...can't remember what was so
funny...but they definitely are a "COOL"

This is Danielle and Allyssa...still laughing!

...still laughing, OK...we do have our
moments where we get some serious

See...serious smile...very cute Danielle!

Another beautiful smile! This was taken
at the Wells Harbor.

I love the toes!!!

Can you believe...those are our parents!
Yes, I can...they're so cute!

On our way to the Jetty....we stopped at this
fence...did I mention how much
I love "Fence"post!

This family is so cute. This shot was on
at the Jetty.

My two sweet peas!

Stop! It's a fence post...we need a shot!

Don't they have great smiles...OK, who
is the Dentist?

Looking forward to doing more shoots with this family. Thank you Melody and John and girls. I promise I'll get better at this. Melody, next time we'll tilt your glasses so we won't get the glare, and John, next time we'll keep the hat on so we won't lose your head in the pun intended...Lol
Thank you!

We'll be back!!!!


Last Sunday was a beautiful day. I asked my
brother Norm if we could take his daughter
Cheyenne apple picking after church.
He said, sure! I always love capturing
Cheyenne with my camera. She is so
animated! Of course, you have to run and be
quick to click for evey picture because you only
have seconds before she is off and running. The
following pics are just a few of the many I
would like to share with you....

Here is her "Practicing to be Teacher's Pet"

Of course I had to get down with her to
this which apple do I want?

I see you MR Apple...and I am going
to pick you!

Daddy...can I have two?

Don't even think of taking this apple...
it's mine.

Thank you Daddy...I havd a nice day!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Empty Nest Finding Other Things To Fill It!

It's been just over a month now since I have seen my Grandsons. I miss them so much. At first I didn't know if I could ever get past this depression I was in...would I ever be able to get through a day without the tears waiting to burst through at any moment? I lost all ambition to do anything. I locked myself in and wanted to shut the world out. Life did not exist for me anymore. The most precious and dear thing to me was gone.

But then I picked up a camera and started to play. I started to go out. Then I was asked to do my first photo began to have meaning again. I know it sounds funny, but I was finally able to focus (no pun intended) on something else other then my missing my grandsons and how lonely I was. After seeing what I could do with my camera, and the smiles I brought to people's faces, my spirit was lifting. But the greatest thing of all happened last night!!! I got to SEE my beautiful grandsons thanks to "SKYPE".

We talked and laughed and blew each other kisses. Last night was wonderful. Last night was the first time I felt like me again. conquer my fear of flying. My first flight ever is coming up in November. Please pray I don't faint!!!

For in the "Empty Nest" is not so bad.

Good Night all!

A Beautiful Family

This is Patti and her three girls. Hubby was at work. She contacted me on Face Book and asked me to do some photos of her girls. I don't want to give their names out as I have not gotten permission from Patti. I can say these girls are the most beautiful girls. I mean that both inwardly and outwardly. I could feel the great love they all had for one another. The littlest one was a hoot! The other two older girls were so sweet and great to work with. I hope to do more photos with this precious family. God is good!

Come back can never tell...maybe you'll be the next one hearing..."Smile" you're on Dawna's camera!

Fun At The Beach With My Two Nieces And Nephew...Oh and Chloe Their Dog.

In the picture above from left to right, my niece, Olivia, my nephew, Gavin and my niece Alexis. I love the way the sun peeked through the branches and danced on their faces. It made them look like they were in some mysterious forest.

These photos were taken at the beach in Kennebunk only a few hundred yards from President Bush's summer home. We were in the trees, on the walls, on the rocks...anywhere we thought would make a great back ground we were there! I had a blast with them...I hope we can do it again soon! Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did snapping them!

Alexis..on the wall. She is so pretty!
We saw this cool ,Stone, church with huge, stone, window cut outs...I thought I could seat the kids on the wide sills and snap a picture...but the gate was Gavin thought the fence looked like a cool place and posed next to was actually a nice shot!
Olivia decided to sit on a large rock and pose away from the fence...this too made for a nice shot!
We saw this bench over looking the water and said, hey...lets shoot one here! What can I say...they look great!
Gavin sat by this tree...we had the sun to deal with casting shadows, but a nice shot!
I decided to try something different with the bench!

Quick...snap and get them off of me!

This is Chloe making her posing debute! Lol

Chloe and Alexis. So cute!

The Rock shot...everyone has one these days...Lol

Decided to do a few close ups. Isn't he handsome!

Alexis...she is so beautiful!

Olivia and her Award winning smile...very pretty!

I think everyone owns a fence why not us! Lol I love this shot!

This is my favorite!

Handsome Gavin....he is so tall and cute. Look out girls!

Olivia and that bright white smile! look out boys!

Alexis and Chloe....Alexis is full of wonder and beauty....Chloe, well...what can I say...she's a looker!

I love this shot of Gavin....he has the most amazing blue eyes! He is into sports and is a great kid!

Alexis....she could be a kid model. She is a natural beauty!

Olivia can melt your heart with those eyes and bright smile! Am I a proud aunty of these kids or what! We had a good time and I hope to get together with them again real soon. May a huge pumpkin patch next...what do ya think guys!

About Me

My photo
I am learning to navigate through life without my kids.Learning that I can do anything I set my mind to and that Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes. I am discovering that my happiness is not based on people...I am learning that happiness is from within, and is a gift from God. I am learning that when my eyes remain fixed upon Him...I can remain happy even with my grandsons so far away. I am learning it's ok to be me.