In the picture above from left to right, my niece, Olivia, my nephew, Gavin and my niece Alexis. I love the way the sun peeked through the branches and danced on their faces. It made them look like they were in some mysterious forest.
These photos were taken at the beach in Kennebunk only a few hundred yards from President Bush's summer home. We were in the trees, on the walls, on the rocks...anywhere we thought would make a great back ground we were there! I had a blast with them...I hope we can do it again soon! Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I did snapping them!
Alexis..on the wall. She is so pretty!
We saw this cool ,Stone, church with huge, stone, window cut outs...I thought I could seat the kids on the wide sills and snap a picture...but the gate was Gavin thought the fence looked like a cool place and posed next to was actually a nice shot!
Olivia decided to sit on a large rock and pose away from the fence...this too made for a nice shot!
We saw this bench over looking the water and said, hey...lets shoot one here! What can I say...they look great!
Gavin sat by this tree...we had the sun to deal with casting shadows, but a nice shot!
I decided to try something different with the bench!
Quick...snap and get them off of me!
This is Chloe making her posing debute! Lol
Chloe and Alexis. So cute!
The Rock shot...everyone has one these days...Lol
Decided to do a few close ups. Isn't he handsome!
Alexis...she is so beautiful!
Olivia and her Award winning smile...very pretty!
I think everyone owns a fence why not us! Lol I love this shot!
This is my favorite!
Handsome Gavin....he is so tall and cute. Look out girls!
Olivia and that bright white smile! look out boys!
Alexis and Chloe....Alexis is full of wonder and beauty....Chloe, well...what can I say...she's a looker!
I love this shot of Gavin....he has the most amazing blue eyes! He is into sports and is a great kid!
Alexis....she could be a kid model. She is a natural beauty!
Olivia can melt your heart with those eyes and bright smile! Am I a proud aunty of these kids or what! We had a good time and I hope to get together with them again real soon. May a huge pumpkin patch next...what do ya think guys!