Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This is Kass. She is graduating this year and
needed photosfor the Senior Year Book. I
was only to happy to help out. We had to stay in town
as I only had an hour to shoot this during my lunch
break. Spots in town included the front of the Bank,
different spots on Main St, the Town Hall, The Park in
center of town and an Alley. What a blast we had!
Below are some of the shots I took.

The Town Park
On the stairs at the Town Hall...
A bench in the park
The alley
The Alley
In front of the Town hall

A nice door we saw on Main St

The Bank
The Bank...
Kass and her friend, Julia has agreed to model for me
in a photo shoot in the town of Oqunquit on Saturday.
They have cool store fronts and interesting locales.
Not sure what I'll make sure you check back!

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About Me

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I am learning to navigate through life without my kids.Learning that I can do anything I set my mind to and that Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes. I am discovering that my happiness is not based on people...I am learning that happiness is from within, and is a gift from God. I am learning that when my eyes remain fixed upon Him...I can remain happy even with my grandsons so far away. I am learning it's ok to be me.