Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kass & Julia

I guess from the look of my Blog you all can tell pretty much what
I have been up to since my Grandsons moved to Tennessee.
I have been filling my days and hours with photography so that I don't
have to think about how much I miss them and want to hold
them. My Canon has been intrumental in fighting this depression
that wants to consume me on a daily basis.

Kass, the young girl you see above, is going through a tough time as well.
Senior year and Family situations had made life a little difficult for her.
I guess you can say God brought us together. I love to shoot and she
loves to pose. Together, we have a lot of fun trying to be creative with our shoots.
Kass has been a ray of light in my life at this time. I also hope that I have been one
in hers with my photography. I told her no dream is so far out of reach if
one is willing to reach for it. I want to be the best photographer I can be and
she wants to Model and get involved in fashions. So, I say...Let's GO FOR IT!

Below is a picture of Julia, a friend of Kass. I think a few more sessions
and she will feel comfortable posing for me, however, she did great!
Below are some of the shots we did in Ogunquit and in North Berwick.
I know I am still learning, but I hope you enjoy the photos I was able to capture.
Shooting in the bright sun is very challenging. You have to constantly look for shadows and washouts of color. I think I did ok. If not, there is always next time!

Kass and Julia





Kass and Julia


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About Me

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I am learning to navigate through life without my kids.Learning that I can do anything I set my mind to and that Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes. I am discovering that my happiness is not based on people...I am learning that happiness is from within, and is a gift from God. I am learning that when my eyes remain fixed upon Him...I can remain happy even with my grandsons so far away. I am learning it's ok to be me.